Nanny Tips
Over the years we have spoken with thousands of families as we helped them hire a nanny through our various agencies across the U.S. Along the way, we have collected several tips for both families and caregivers that we wanted to share with you. Some of these apply more directly to nannies, some to families, but we firmly believe that it is good for both sides to be aware of what might be important to the other. Accordingly here are some some tips we have collected over the years:
10 Advantages to a Nanny Placement Agency
While finding a nanny by word of mouth or through want ads is an option for families, there are major advantages to using a nanny placement agency. Good agencies want their clients to be happy. Although they can’t really guarantee that every match will work out, they understand that their success depends on happy families and happy nannies. Here are a few reasons why you may want to use an agency.
- Screening – Most nanny placement agencies prescreen applicants. That means that you don’t have to worry about some of the basic qualifications. The agency has already checked those things for you.
- Professional nannies – Many of the nannies placed by the agencies are professionals who have had training in child development. Some have college degrees, and depending on the agency, some may have gone to school specifically to become a nanny.
- Background checks – Background checks can be very thorough. The better agencies will do comprehensive background checks including state and national criminal background checks, drivers record checks, social security verification, and job verification. There are some agencies that will even do psychological testing for an additional cost.
- Placement specialists – There are specialists who do the placements and they often work with parents and nannies to assure that the matches connect on such things as parenting philosophy and methods of discipline.
- In-depth interviews – Most agencies will do an in-depth interview with nanny candidates to really get a feel for who they are and what they are about. You will still have an opportunity to interview the applicant, but you will know that those you are interviewing are the cream of the crop.
- Professional guidance – An agency can assist a family by educating them on the nanny options available, common salary and benefit packages to offer and many other details that a family new to nanny employment may not be aware of.
- Repeat customers – Good agencies will have loyal customers and nannies. If for some reason a nanny’s services are no longer needed by a family, she can look to her placement agency to assist her in finding a new position. Families can also return to the same agency if they need to resume service.
- Saving time – Using an agency will save you valuable time in your search for a nanny. You will not need to screen candidates or worry about background checks if you choose the right agency. For families with a busy schedule, which is most families these days, this is a major plus.
- Substitute nannies – Some agencies will offer a substitute should your nanny call in ill or need to leave for any reason such as a family emergency or for her vacation time.
- Serenity – When you use a quality nanny placement agency you can relax in knowing that the agency has done all the hard work for you. You can focus on the final details of the selection process and trust that the agency has provided you with quality candidates to choose from.
Even though using a quality nanny placement agency will cost a little more than other methods of finding a nanny, it is well worth the money when you consider the time it will save you and the peace of mind you will have knowing an agency is standing behind your nanny.
10 Reasons People Need a Nanny
Today’s busy world makes it difficult to keep up with all that needs to be done. Schedules are full to the brim and there are not enough hours in the day. Quality time for families can be hard to come by but hiring a nanny can help with that. Here are ten reasons to consider hiring one.
- Time – A nanny can help free up time. She will be tending to the needs of the children, which means the time that you would have dedicated to the care of your children is open for you to do other things.
- Mentoring – A high-quality nanny should be a good mentor for your children, modeling the behaviors you wish them to emulate. Being able to personally select the specific individual who will be the biggest influence on your children, outside of yourselves, is one of the top reasons that parent’s hire nannies.
- Less exposure to illness – Since your children will not be in a daycare setting, an in-home nanny offers parents to control their children’s exposure to illness and disease. You won’t have to worry about receiving notices of some highly contagious disease or virus due to an infected child who shares your children’s daycare center.
- Flexibility – With daycare centers, parents are restricted to the hours and pricing structures established by the center for all of their clients. A nanny contract offers parents the opportunity to customize the schedule and pay structure to their individual needs.
- More the one child – If you have more than one child a nanny can be the simplest solution. Finding daycare options that have openings and can accommodate the needs of multiple ages of children can be near impossible.
- Tutoring – Having a built-in tutor can be a real plus, giving your child an edge. Some parents hire nannies that speak foreign languages so their children will have the opportunity to become fluent in another tongue within the home setting.
- Busy life style – If you and your children have a busy life-style, schedules can collide. Having a nanny means that you have one more adult available to keep everything functioning smoothly and with less stress.
- Undivided attention – As a parent you have multiple responsibilities and can’t always give your children undivided attention. Your nanny is specifically there for your children so you can be assured they will have the attention they deserve; another benefit that can’t usually be found in a daycare setting.
- Multiples – Twins, triples and more create a unique situation for parents to cope with. A nanny can be the perfect solution for a mother who literally doesn’t have enough hands to care for all her infants at once.
- Help with children – Some times parents just need the extra help with daily childcare. The reasons can vary from personal responsibilities to physical issues which arise for parents that limit their ability to care for their children. Even the exhaustion of a new mother following the birth of her child can warrant the need of the in-house childcare provided by a nanny.
Hiring a nanny can create more occasions for you to spend quality time with your family. It also provides a multitude of benefits for you and your children. Considering all the benefits, the hiring of a nanny is becoming a common choice for childcare.
10 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Nanny
Hiring a nanny can be very smart move especially for the busy family. Like any big investment there are a few things to consider before you take the plunge. You are bringing a stranger into your home to look after your children, therefore it is important that you cover all your bases so that you make the best possible choice. Listed below are just a few things to think about in making this decision.
- Should you use a nanny agency or not? – There are many advantages to using a reputable agency to help you find a suitable nanny. You will of course, pay accordingly for those advantages, but it is definitely worth considering. Alternatively, there are less expensive avenues of obtaining nanny services including word of mouth; placing and/or answering newspaper ads; and some people have used Craigslist. You will have a much larger time investment, as well some financial investment, in this do-it-yourself approach.
- Will your nanny be a live-in or live-out? – Some families need a live-in nanny due to schedules or circumstances; others find they only need a nanny for a set schedule of hours and a live-out nanny would work just as well.
- What requirements will you have? – When looking for a nanny there will be certain attributes you will want your nanny to possess. You should determine which characteristics are most important to you and your family. This person will have a big influence on your children, so you want to make sure your nanny has all the qualities you want to instill in your children.
- Job description – Create a job description for the position. This will help clarify your expectations and inform candidates of their duties. It will also cut down on the interview time, as the description will answer many questions the candidates might have.
- Time off – What are your expectations regarding time off? You must consider this for both live-out and live-in situations. How much vacation time will you allow and how will weekly time-off be handled?
- Health insurance – Many families provide their nannies with health insurance. Some pay the full amount while others pay part of the premium. Providing health insurance can be a big plus in landing the right nanny for your family.
- What kind of experience do you require? Some families are willing to hire less experienced nannies because they will cost less. Others are willing to pay for the experience of seasoned nannies. Consider the age of your children and their abilities and personalities. Can you afford to have an inexperienced nanny caring for your children or do they need the voice of authority to keep them in line? The right level of experience is important for the nanny’s well being as well as for that of your children.
- Is chauffeuring part of the position? – If you are expecting your nanny to drive your children, you will want to make sure she has a clean driving record and is comfortable with driving in the traffic of your city.
- Background check – If you are using a reputable agency, they will most likely do background checks on all candidates. It is always best to ask if that is part of their service. You also want to know to what items the check covers. Some background checks will only cover the most basic inquires – does the person show up in federal data bases? You want a thorough check that includes federal, state and local data bases. A misdemeanor like shoplifting is not going to show up in a federal check.
- What are your house rules? – You will need to establish some house rules so that things will run smoothly. If your nanny is a live-in can she/he have visitors in the living quarters? What about over night visits? How loud can music be played? You don’t want to be over constrictive with rules, but it’s to your advantage to think about the issues that could arise and avoid possible conflicts.
There will be lots of things to think about once you make the decision to hire a nanny. Talking to others who have experience with nannies will help immensely. Mindful planning will go far in helping you choose a person who fits well with your family.
10 Questions from First Time Nanny Families
Hiring a nanny for the first time can be stressful. You are looking for someone to care for the most precious possession you have. When looking for someone to care for your children, you want to make sure you are hiring the very best person. Most first time families go through a period of uncertainty once they’ve made the decision to hire a nanny. You may find yourself asking some of these same questions.
- How do I go about finding a nanny? There are a few different ways to do this: word of mouth, nanny agency, Craigslist, newspaper ads and job boards. However, if you want to hire a nanny who has already been through a screening and also have the assistance of seasoned professionals to guide you in the process, using a nanny agency will be your best option.
- What questions should I ask the nanny at the interview? First you need to decide what information you would like to know about the candidates. One of the nice things about hiring through a nanny agencies is that they usually do the initial screening for you, leaving you to deal with the more specific issues related to your family. Providing scenario questions regarding how the nanny candidate would handle a specific situation can be a great way to get a full picture of a nanny’s approach to childcare.
- How will I know she has the experience she says she has? That is another good reason to use nanny agencies. A thorough nanny agency will check their candidates references before matching them with potential clients; by the time you interview them, you can be pretty well assured that they have the credentials they say they have. Asking questions related to a nanny’s previous experience remains a wise inclusion in any interview, even if they have already been verified, however.
- How do I check her resume to find out if it’s accurate? Make the calls. Understand that due to laws protecting employees, employers may only be able to tell you the dates that the nanny worked for them. School records and training should be fairly simple to check. Again, if you are using a reputable agency most of this work is done for you.
- How do I do a background check? A reputable nanny agency will do the background check for you. If you find that you need to do it yourself, there are companies that will take care of that for you, however, not all background checks are created equal. All applicable state and federal criminal history lists should be checked, along with driving records.
- How much pay should I offer? This depends on what area you live in and also what the hours and job requirements are going to be. Your nanny’s experience level will also figure into determining the proper rate of pay. Find out what the rates are for you area and for the work load you are expecting your nanny to carry by checking with other nanny employers or with your nanny agency.
- Do I need to provide health insurance? It’s a very nice perk and many families provide at least partial payment for health insurance. As with any employment, the better the employment package being offered, the higher quality candidates you can expect to attract.
- Do I need to pay payroll taxes and withhold taxes from the nanny’s wages? Since you are considered the nanny’s employer you will be responsible for paying the typical employer related taxes on the nanny’s wages. These include social security and medicare, as well as federal and state unemployment taxes. It is advisable to have a payroll service handle your nanny’s payroll and the depositing of taxes for you to be sure that all requirements for state and local authorities are met.
- Do all nannies live in the family’s home? No. There are both live-in and live-out nannies, but both will perform the same services. Of course, if you are not providing your nanny’s living quarters, the pay rate should reflect that difference.
- Can I ask the nanny to do housekeeping? Some nannies will accept some light housekeeping duties to be included in their employment agreement and others prefer to only include childcare in their assigned duties. This is an item to discuss with your nanny agency or with your nanny candidates during the interview. Housekeeping duties will inevitably require additional pay to cover those additional duties.
If you are looking for a nanny for the first time, don’t worry. There is a lot of help available to you. Talk to other families who have used nannies. Check out nanny agencies and ask questions. After all, you are going to entrust your most valued possession to this person.
10 Tips for Families Looking for Nannies
Searching for a nanny can be one of the more challenging tasks a busy parent takes on, though the decision is often one that they consider to be among the best. There are several factors to take into account when looking for the perfect childcare provider; here are ten tips for choosing the perfect nanny.
- Decide Live-In Status Before Interviewing – One of the first decisions about nanny care that most parents make is regarding the live-in status of their potential childcare provider. It’s best to have a clear understanding of your needs as a family, weighing the convenience against the potential loss of privacy. Many nannies only accept one type of post, so knowing what your needs are and making them clear could save you and some interviewees valuable time.
- Be Clear About Your Needs – Before the interviewing process begins, prospective employees will want to have the best possible idea of your living arrangements and needs as a family. Making this information as clear as possible can help nannies to prepare for the interview, or even to decide if the post is right for them before interviewing.
- Be Willing to Negotiate Salary and Benefits – While it’s certainly necessary to stay within your budget, keeping an open mind and perhaps being flexible during salary discussions can help you to land the perfect nanny for your family. High-demand veteran nannies can command higher salaries and more perks than one just starting out.
- Have An Idea of Local Standards – Knowing the base salary for nannies in your area can help you to determine not only what fits within your budget, but what is fair compensation for a potential nanny.
- Understand a Nanny’s Job Description – Often, employers hire a nanny and are outraged when chores or housework have not been completed; the fact is, tasks that aren’t directly related to the care of children do not typically fall under the responsibilities of a nanny. Cooking for the family, providing cleaning or laundry services while caring for children would fall under the heading of Household Manager, a title that commands a bit higher salary.
- Have a Basic Idea of Scheduling – Though one of the reasons for hiring a nanny is to have flexibility with schedules, it’s still best to have at least a vague idea of the hours that your nanny will be working. Before accepting a post, many veteran nannies will require this information.
- Understand Tax Laws – It can be tempting to pay your nanny “under the table,” but the practice is quite illegal. Taking the time to suss out the laws regarding nanny taxes or even hiring an accountant to do the job can also weed out unsavory candidates; an eagerness of evade either income taxes or documentation could mean that there are other ethical issues with a potential nanny candidate.
- Be Vigilant About Background Checks – When an interview goes particularly well, it can feel silly to begin the background checking process on someone you’ve already decided that you feel comfortable with. However, it’s of great importance that you avail yourself of these services. Finding surprises on a pre-employment check are certainly not out of the ordinary.
- Follow Up With References – After a great interview and the return of a clear background check, taking a moment to call reference can feel like a waste of time. Speaking with references is, however, one of the best and only ways to get an idea of your new nanny’s work ethic, habits and attitude.
- Draw Up a Nanny Agreement Contract – Nanny agreements shield both parties involved from disputes about salary, responsibilities and scheduling. Contracts should be reviewed and signed before your new nanny reports for the first day of work in order to ensure that both of you have similar expectations and are in full agreement to the terms of employment.
10 Tips for Nannies Looking for Jobs
Securing a quality post can be challenging, especially for nannies with less extensive experience than their peers. As the numbers of nannies increase and posts become more scarce, it’s important to know how to differentiate yourself from the crowd of other applicants; here are ten tips for nannies in search of a new position.
- Complete CPR and First Aid Training – Prospective employers need to know that their children will be left in capable, well-trained hands. Extensive CPR and First Aid training are non-negotiable certifications for those in search of a quality nanny post.
- Polish Your Resume to Perfection – The first thing most potential employers will ever see of you is your resume; because it could be your only chance to make an impression, your resume should be as close to perfect as possible. A carefully-built resume can often mean the difference between an interview and the “pass” pile.
- Treat Your Reputation Like a Valuable Commodity – References and word of mouth make all of the difference for nannies in search of a new post. Remember that every interaction you have with your employers, their friends and neighbors could potentially affect your reputation in the future.
- Attend Workshops and Seminars – Childcare industry conventions and workshops not only look wonderful on a resume, they’re also the best ways to stay abreast of changing trends within the field.
- Maintain a Conservative Appearance – Parents are more likely to hire a well-qualified nanny with a conservative, calm appearance than a more wildly-dressed counterpart. Looking as polished as possible during an interview is one of the best ways to let your childcare skills and experience take center stage.
- Know What Your Needs Are – Most potential employers will have a clear idea of what their childcare needs are before calling prospective nannies for interviews. Knowing your own needs and what you’re capable of is the best way to prevent wasting both your own time and theirs.
- Hone Your Interview Skills – Learning what interview style suits you best and doing all that you can to improve your skills is very important to those in search of nanny posts. Interviewing well indicates that you think well under pressure, which is a trait that all nannies must have.
- Understand a Prospective Employer’s Needs – One of the keys to obtaining a quality post is to understand quickly what the needs and desires of a potential employing family are. Ascertaining even basic needs (live in vs. live out, children with special needs, etc.) and being sure that you’re able to meet them can lend an air of confidence to your interviewing tone, making you more attractive to a potential client.
- Be Calm and Confident – Exhibiting calm, yet confident behavior throughout your interactions with a prospective employer can help them to feel comfortable with your ability to quietly handle any crises that come your way.
- Truly Love the Profession – Most parents instinctively know if the person they’re interviewing for a post doesn’t truly like working with children. Should a less-than-eager candidate slip through the interview process, the high demands of the job can make for even more headaches than usual.
10 Common Challenges with Finding a Nanny
Bringing a perfect stranger into your household to care for your children is a big decision and not to be taken lightly. There are some challenges you may face in your search for the perfect nanny. However, with planning and research, you can overcome all obstacles. Here are a few of the more common challenges.
- Making the decision – One of the big challenges to finding a nanny is making the decision in the first place. The idea of handing your child over to a stranger for care and guidance is certainly a frightening one. That’s why it’s important to take your time and do your homework, so that you are totally comfortable with the person you finally choose.
- Where to look – With so many options available, it can be a challenge to decide which one will best fit you. Money can be a factor as can resources. If you live in an area where nanny agencies are plentiful that can make it easier if you choose to go that route; on the other hand, if you are in an area where your choice of agency is limited or non-existent you may need to follow more general employment resource avenues.
- Experience – Finding a nanny with great experience may be a bit of a challenge also. Most of the best qualified nannies already have positions. It may require some diligence on your part, but you will be rewarded with finding the right person for your family.
- Work hour expectations – The weekly hours you expect your nanny to work may not necessarily match the amount of time a nanny candidate expects to work, especially if it is a live in position. Even in a live in situation the nanny will probably expect to spend 40 to 55 hours a week on the job; the rest of the time will be hers to do as she pleases. You will need to be clear and fair about your expectations where time on the job is considered.
- Language barriers – Many nanny candidates have English as their second language, which is welcome in many households. However, if this is not your preference, you will need to make it clear that native English speaking candidates only will be accepted.
- Expecting to save money with a live-in – Finding a nanny to live in and expecting to save money on childcare by doing so may be an unrealistic expectation. You may be disappointed when the costs of adding an additional person to the household are added into the budget. You are providing housing, utilities, and food, in addition to their salary, benefits and employment taxes.
- Location – Nannies will not give all their consideration to the family that is offering the position, they will factor in your geographical location as well. It will be important to promote the benefits of living in your city or neighborhood when looking for a nanny.
- A good fit – Finding a nanny that fits with your family can be tough work. You’ve seen the movies where the couple interviews a trail of potential nanny candidates and each one has some glaring flaw. They then find one who seems perfect only to find out later that she her flaw is worse than all the others. As you interview candidates you may feel as if you are in the movie. Be patient and you will find the right person.
- Child rearing practices – It is important that you and your nanny have similar feelings about child rearing practices. The nanny will need to be able to administer discipline and handle behavior issues. You will need to make sure that her philosophy about such things is in harmony with your own.
- Length of service – Finding a nanny that shares your desired time commitment can be another challenge in the search. Some nannies will prefer to change positions annually, while others prefer a longer term commitment.
The challenges you face in hiring a nanny can be overcome. Take things one step at a time and be thorough in planning. Talk to other parents who have experience in hiring nannies and ask plenty of questions. The benefits of hiring the right person are worth the time and effort it takes to make it happen.
10 Ways to Calculate How Much You Can Pay a Nanny
Once you decide to hire a nanny, one of the next things you need to figure out is how much you are going to pay. There are many factors in determining the correct amount for payment. Here are some things to consider when you are calculating how much your nanny is going to get.
- What is the average salary for your area? One of the first things you will want to find out is the going rate for nanny care in your specific area. Your rates must be competitive with the other families around you in order to be fair to your nanny.
- How much experience does your nanny have? Like any other job, the more experience, the more the pay. Depending on the duties your nanny will have and the ages of your children, you might be able to hire an inexperienced nanny to save money. However, if experience is important to you, plan to pay accordingly.
- What are the job requirements? If you have expectations for your nanny to provide additional services like house keeping and cooking you should expect to pay more for these services. If she is providing specialty services, such as a night nanny or newborn nurse services, you should also expect to pay a higher rate.
- How many hours per week will your nanny work? Figure out how many hours a week you are expecting your nanny to put in. Also decide on overtime or extra pay for special requests for example, if you her to put in more than her standard allotment of hours in a week or you request her to work on a holiday or normal day off.
- Will she be a live in nanny? If she is a live in nanny you will need to calculate her salary figuring in her room and board. You will probably want to take her accommodations into account as well: will she have a simple private room or a guest house? If she is providing her own housing, you will naturally be paying her much more than a live-in nanny.
- Is nanny sharing an option? If you don’t need a full time nanny you may want to consider nanny sharing. This is a good way to cut costs if you can find someone to share a nanny with you.
- Are you paying all or part of the nanny’s health insurance or other benefits? When you are supplying benefits such as health care you can calculate that into the amount that you are paying your nanny. The same is true if you are providing benefits such as a vehicle to drive during off hours or a city transit pass.
- Will you pay the nanny by the hour or will she have a weekly or bi-weekly salary? If you are paying a weekly amount, you can figure out the hourly rate by dividing that amount by the number of hours you expect her to work during the week.
- Taxes – You will need to pay employer taxes, social security, medicare and unemployment taxes, in addition to your nanny’s salary. Don’t forget to calculate these into your overall costs.
- Additional costs and benefits – You may have the expense of hiring a payroll service to handle the bookkeeping and payment of taxes on your behalf. You should also plan for the expense of childcare during your nanny’s vacation or days that she is ill.
Your budget will be a big factor in determining how much you can pay a nanny. Once you determine the scope of the job you will have a good idea of how much you can afford to offer. You can always negotiate with the nanny to find a salary and benefit package that both of you will be happy with.
10 Disadvantages to a Nanny Placement Agency
Generally speaking there are many reasons to go with a nanny placement agency when looking for a nanny; however, there are a few things that can be considered disadvantages. The following list contains items that could be considered drawbacks.
- Cost – Probably the most disadvantageous factor in using a nanny placement agency is the cost. Reputable nanny placement agencies offer many services to make sure their clients and the nannies are satisfied. These services along with operating expenses can be expensive and the cost is passed on to the consumer.
- They choose the candidates – This could be seen as a disadvantage because the pool from which the family gets to interview can be rather small. The agency will do the initial screening for you according to what criteria you have established, and while this can be a good thing, it also limits the number of candidates you get to choose from.
- Limited background checks – It’s important to realize that not all agencies do extensive background checks. Some only do a general federal check which will not disclose any misdemeanors or charges brought against the person then dropped. You may end up doing a more thorough check yourself.
- Lack of availability – Nanny placement agencies are not available in all areas. You may have to search around to find an agency you can work with, if you wish to use a brick and mortar company.
- Time constraints – When compared to online services, there are time constraints with a brick and mortar agency. You will be restricted to dealing with them only during their business hours.
- Waiting – The traditional nanny placement agency will screen applicants and then you will wait for them to make recommendations. For families in a hurry to hire, this can seem like a big inconvenience.
- Financial obligation to the agency – Hopefully you will have a long lasting relationship with your nanny. Should circumstances change though, you could find yourself in a situation where you cannot afford your nanny but you still have financial obligations to the agency.
- The agency does it all – For some people this is a very good thing, but others may want to learn the ropes of hiring a nanny. Working with an agency does not give you the chance to learn the details of how to go about doing this on your own.
- You are passive in the search – There are those who like to have more of an active role in making decisions that affect their families. Since the agency is doing all the screening and only providing you access to the candidates they deem the best, you don’t have the opportunity to take charge and interview other applicants as well.
- Client vs. employer – When you contract with a nanny on your own, you assume the role of employer and there are certain rights and responsibilities, such as taxes, that go with that role. When working with an agency you more likely are assuming the role of client to the agency, which will have different responsibilities and rights than that of an employer.
Depending on your personality and how much control you like to have over situations, working with a nanny placement agency can be a positive or a negative situation. Asking questions and being flexible while you search out and review all the alternatives will help you decide which method of securing a nanny works best for you before you sign any papers.
10 Signs You Can Trust a Nanny Agency
When you go to an agency for help to find a nanny, you want to be able to trust the people you are working with. Choosing to hire a nanny is a big decision, and bringing a perfect stranger into your home to care for your children is much more than a notion. It only makes sense to seek a trustworthy establishment to have a hand in making this momentous decision for your family. Here are some signs to look for in a reputable company.
- Open door policy – You should be able to speak to your specialist about anything pertaining to getting a placement. If your specialist does not know the answer to your question he or she should be willing to find the answer for you.
- Professional affiliations – Look for affiliations with professional groups. Your agency may have association with the local chamber of commerce, the Better Business Bureau and other civic and professional organizations.
- Timely follow up – Is your agency following up on your calls and requests? Following up with you is always a good sign, because it means they are interested in keeping your business.
- They listen to you – If your specialist listens to you and tries to meet your requests, then you can feel assured that the agency has your interests at heart.
- They give you guidance – Most first time families have no idea what they are doing and don’t have a real clear idea of what they need and want in a nanny. A good agency will provide the guidance you need to make an informed decision on choosing a suitable nanny to fit your family requirements.
- Training for nannies – A reputable agency will have training available for their nannies. If your agency is making an effort to make sure their nannies have the necessary training to do a good job, including safety training like first aid and CPR, then you know you are working with a good agency.
- Support for families – An agency that checks in with the families for a period of time after placing a nanny is one that cares about the relationships it creates for its clients and nannies.
- Support for nannies – Excellent agencies provide support for their nannies, not just in the form of training, but also by connecting them with other nannies and sometimes even providing events for nannies to come together and meet one another. If your agency is providing this kind of support for your nanny, then you you are working with a top notch company.
- Resources – An agency that deserves your trust is one that provides resources to you and your family to help you with transitioning into life with a nanny. They understand that you will be going through some changes and they should be available to help you find a way to deal with uncertainties and concerns in regards to hiring a nanny.
- They earn your trust – You know when you are working with trustworthy people. It won’t take you long to decide if you are working with an agency you can trust or not. If you’ve done your homework and spoken with other families, chances are you landed with an agency you can rely on. You will get a sense of their integrity by the way they treat you and your family and the prospective nannies.
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